English version

207. “2nd European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference (EAPYC)” - Seminar / Conference

Data: 16/09/2014

NR.: 207

DATA: 16.09.2014

TITOLO PROGETTO: “2nd European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference (EAPYC)”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Vlad Alexandru Grosar (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Seminar / Conference

ARGOMENTO: To raise interest among young people and youth organisations about prevention of alcohol related harm and alcohol policy.


Activity date:
10th – 16th of December 2014.
Venue place, venue country: Bursa, Turkey.
Summary: The idea of the conference is to bring together 150+ youth workers/leaders from across Europe and beyond to work together on the topic of alcohol, alcohol prevention and advocacy among youth.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 150 participants
After a very successful 1st European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference (EAPYC) in 2012 in Slovenia and 1st Regional European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference in Moldova, APYN is happy to announce that the 2nd EAPYC will take place in Bursa, Turkey between 10th and 16th December 2014 in cooperation with Civil Life Association.
Idea and aims
The idea of the conference is to bring together 150+ youth workers/leaders from across Europe and beyond to work together on the topic of alcohol, alcohol prevention and advocacy among youth.
The main conference aims are:
• To raise interest among young people and youth organisations about prevention of alcohol related harm and alcohol policy;
• To empower the participants with the necessary skills and capacities in order to effectively work on the field of alcohol;
• To empower the participants with the necessary tools to engage in advocating for more comprehensive alcohol policy on regional, national and international level;
• To provide the necessary tools and training for participants to be able to conduct projects to reduce the alcohol related harm on youth;
• To give participants the opportunity to exchange their expertise and good practices with their peers.
The conference is aimed at youth from across Europe who are interested in the topic of alcohol or are already actively working in the field. Some places are reserved also for participants from outside Europe.
The conference will have a combination of workshops, plenaries and social programme. The participants will be able to choose to participate in one of the workshops in the following areas:
• Development of alcohol related projects (beginner/advanced), aimed at those who would like to start working in the field of alcohol and those who would like to improve their already existing projects;
• Youth research (intermediate/advanced), aimed at those willing to work on scientific research regarding alcohol and youth;
• Alcohol policy, advocacy and lobbying (intermediate/advanced), aimed at those willing to influence local, national and international authorities on alcohol policy and advocacy.
This conference is organized by Alcohol Policy Youth Network and the Turkish host Civil Life Association. This conference arises from the project "Let it hAPYN" which has received funding from the European Union in the framework of the 2nd Health Programme and by the Turkish Alcohol and Tobacco Regulatory Office through “European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference Project”.
The participation fee for this event varies upon the time of your application.
• Early birds: until 15st September 2014 – 60,00 euros;
• Regular applicants: until 15th November 2014 – 80,00 euros;
• Late applicants: after 16th November 2104 – 100,00 euros.
Accepted participants will be notified by 25th September, while later applicants no later than 10 days after their application. The fee covers the conference pack, accommodation, meals, local transportation in Turkey and participation at all formal and informal EAPYC events and between 10th to 16th December. The participants cover their own travel costs to Turkey.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 15th of November 2014.

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