English version

007. “Training for trainers on quality assurance” - Training Course

Data: 12/01/2015

NR.: 007

DATA: 12.01.2015

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Training for trainers on quality assurance”


TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: The training course will aim at creating a new generation of trainers who will be trained to use the quality indicators from the beginning of their training careers.


Activity date:
7th – 14th of April 2015.
Venue place, venue country: Altamura, Italy.
Summary: The training course in Altamura will educate the participants on quality indicators and impact measurement. It will aim at creating a new generation of trainers who will be trained to use the quality indicators from the beginning of their training careers.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders.
For participants from: Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey.
Group size: 20 participants
Non-Formal Education (NFE) is crucial for a complementary development of young people. NFE develops many different aspects in a young person’s life: Beneficiaries of NFE experiences become more self-confident and have more resources at their hands. They receive tools and motivation to actively participate in and shape their societies and communities. Especially relevant today, with a youth unemployment rate of over 25% in the European Union, a study of the European Youth Forum (YFJ): that NFE contributes to the employability of young people, providing 5 out of 6 competences most demanded by employers. Thus, NFE also contributes to bridging the gap between the labour market and the education system. In this context it’s crucial to ensure a quality experience of NFE to the participants of trainings. Even though occasional quality checks take place in all the organizations, at the moment there is no coherent approach to quality assurance and impact measurement of trainings.
The long term project idea
The training course in Altamura is part of the long term project QUAT (QUALITY ASSURANCE OF TRAININGS). This long term, project aims to join resources in a common effort make sure that the indicators are implemented in all our NFE activities, share best practices for their implementation, allow an outside evaluation and comparison between the different organisations on their implementations to make sure that in the end we have common standards and our trainings are of high quality to give the best possible outcome for the learners. It also aims to build the capacities of the organisations involved and the youth workers themselves. The idea of the training course “Training for trainers on quality assurance” in Altamura. The training course in Altamura will educate the participants on quality indicators and impact measurement. It will aim at creating a new generation of trainers who will be trained to use the quality indicators from the beginning of their training careers.
The specific objectives of the training course in Altamura are:
• To get to know the principles of Non Formal Education;
• To develop competences related to the quality assurance indicators;
• To explore the impact measurements.
The event will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved. Some of the methods used will be the following:
• Ice-breakers, energisers;
• Inputs from experts;
• Intercultural and experiential learning;
• Variety of visuals for thematic input;
• Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary.
The food and lodging cost will be covered by YEU and AEGEE. AEGEE will also cover 50% of travel costs (maximum travel costs are indicated below) from the resident country. 100% of the visa costs will be reimbursed. A participation fee will be deducted from the final reimbursement. The participation fee for this event is 50 EUR. The participants are obliged to have receipts of all tickets they will use, boarding passes and invoices of the credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer. Number of participants and maximum travel cost per country (the following amount represents the 100% of the amount from your residence to the event). All participants are requested to use the cheapest and the most environmental friendly way to reach the venue.

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