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016 - “Once upon today... in Europe” - Training Course

Data: 19/01/2015

NR.: 016

DATA: 19/01/2015

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Once upon today... in Europe”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Carolin Wenzel, (Polonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: An international training on how to work with historical narratives in non-formal youth education.


Activity date:
12th -19th of March 2015
Venue place, venue country: Krzyzowa - Poland, Poland
Summary: What if it all was just a very good story? Half true, half made up, reflecting our memories, experiences, and those of the communities we live in. With the project “Once upon today…”, we would like to invite youth workers and people commited to international cooperation to think about history, memory, and identity in this different way. Not as something fixed or stable, but as a stories…. good stories though. In 2015, “Once upon today.. in Europe” focuses on issues of belonging and identity in Europe: Which stories about Europe exist in different local, national or other commemorative cultures? How are these stories shaped? Which aspects become important, while others are neglected? And how can institutions for historical youth education and active citizenship deal with these questions in a way that brings young people together? 70 years after the end of the Second World War 25 participants from Estonia, Germany, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine will intensively deal with historical narratives about Europe that exist in different local, national or other commemorative cultures. During the training from March 12-19, 2015, they will discuss these issues, exchange their experience and methods and develop new approaches for follow-up projects to be carried out in their home countries and future international meetings with young people.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders
For participants from: Estonia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Ukraine
Group size: 25 participants
Details: “Once upon a time…” – this is how fairy tales start. These words sound so familiar to most people as fairy tales have been passed on from generation to generation, told and retold. When people talk about history, memory and identity, something very similar happens. They constantly tell a story about themselves, the communities and states they live in. These so called narratives help people make sense of reality and they are made up of diverse facts, myths, official commemoration and personal memories. Like any other story, they are constantly shaped and reshaped through communication and reflect the values, interpretations and political objectives of the communities and people who share it. Thus, any narrative could start like a tale in present: „Once upon today…in Europe.“. During the meeting youth workers will work on the linking points between their own biographies and the history of the countries they live in. The project encourages participants to reflect about different narratives considering the background of their individual identities, biographies, experiences and memories. It is the project’s goal to initiate a transnational dialogue and allow for a deeper understanding of perceptions and interpretations of past and future in different countries. Additionally the exchange encourages to become more clear about questions of belonging in European societies that are shaped by diversity as well as to develop understanding and tolerance among people with different national, ethnical and religious backgrounds. Therefore, it will also be important to address so called blank spaces in the collective memory, e.g. stories that are not told or not heard. As participants come from different communities, countries and professional backgrounds, they will exchange about their experiences in the field, try out new methods and develop new approaches for their commitment with young people back home. Those methods and selected results of the workshops will be shared on an internet blog and regularly be renewed. After the seminar in Krzyzowa, participants will carry out microprojects in their home countries subsequent to the end of the project in order to ensure reaching out to a broader audience.
Costs: Participation fee (covers accommodation, full board and all programme activities)
Participants from:
• Germany: 90 EUR / Estonia,
• Poland: 50 EUR / Moldova,
• Ukraine: 30 EUR.
Travel costs: For participants from Germany, Estonia, Moldova and Ukraine can be reimbursed up to 275 EUR per person, for participants from Poland up to 180 EUR of the economy class travel costs.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 1st of February 2015

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