English version

055. “Treed Life- The third sector and the youth work” - Partnership-building Activity

Data: 23/02/2015

NR.: 055

DATA: 23/02/2015

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Treed Life- The third sector and the youth work”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Floriana Solaro, (Italia)

TIPOLOGIA: Partnership-building Activity

ARGOMENTO: The topics of the partnership will be the needs, the law and economic tools of the organizations belonging to the third sector, in particular the one working in the youth filed.


Activity date:
12th -17th of March 2015
Venue place, venue country: Enna (Sicily), Italy
Summary: Treed Life will be a seminar with experts and young people from different organizations to reflect about what is the third sector, what are the needs, how many different kind of job profiles are in that and which are the tools useful to develop it.
Target group: Youth workers
For participants from: Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain
Group size: 6 people from each country participants
Details: In this scenario where the NGOs and Cooperative enterprises are growing, the third sector is the new work field for young people with competences in project management, non formal education, international cooperation and community development. "Treed Life" will be a seminar with experts and young people from different organizations in order to reflect about what is the third sector, what are the needs, how many different kind of job profiles are in that and which are the tools useful to develop it.
The main objective of the project is to foster the quality in the youth organizations.
The name "Treed Life" is composed by two words: the first is the mix between the word "third" and "tree" because the main goal is to foster the grow of this particular "Tree" starting from the comprehension of the roots, analysing its bole in order to flourish. The second word is "Life" to underline that to work in this field for a lot of people is life and we have to care about it and understand the important role of the third sector in the European development strategy.
Structure of the seminar
The seminar will go through 3 fundamental steps: first of all we will explore the background of law and financial tools specific for the third sector, focusing on the youth organizations in each Country. In a second step we will share experiences and good practices in our Country about this two fields (law frame and financial aspects) and human resources development (as how to foster motivation and to develop professional competences). In a third step we will plan future project together deepening the topics of law and lobby strategies, financial tools, job contracts and project management and finally human resources development and group dynamics.
The meeting will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved. Some of the methods used will be the following:
• Ice-breakers, energisers
• Inputs from experts
• Intercultural and experiential learning
• Variety of visuals for thematic input
• Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary
Costs: Food and accomodation are free.
Travel costs are reimbursed 100% up to the limit below for each Country: Hungary 275,00 €; Romania 275,00 €; Spain 275,00 €; Portugal 360,00 €.
There isn't travel reimbursement for people from Italy.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 1st of March 2015

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