English version

altre informazioni

Data: 24/03/2015

Costs: Participants from Participating Countries in Erasmus+.
For the approved applicants the costs for food, accommodation and premises are covered by the Romanian National Agency as hosting NA. Travel costs could covered by the National Agency of the Program Participant Countries if they approve your application. If you are selected please contact your NA in order to arrange your transportation. If you are not selected by your NA but you are willing to cover the international transportation cost, you could still participate if the Romanian NA will approve you.
Participants from Neighboring Countries
Romanian NA will cover the following costs for 10 participants from Neighboring Countries: international transport from origin country to Romania and return, food, accommodation and working rooms. The participants will advance the transportation costs and will be reimbursed after the event (within 45 days after receiving the reimbursement request). Original documents will be requested for reimbursement (invoices, proof of payment, boarding cards, etc). The costs for visa (if needed) and local transportation will not be reimbursed being considered as co-funding.
Participants from other countries in the world
If you are willing to cover the international transportation cost, you could still participate if the Romanian NA will approve you.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 17th of May 2015

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