English version

090. “EEN - Europe Earth Network” - Training Course

Data: 24/03/2015

NR.: 090


TITOLO PROGETTO: “EEN - Europe Earth Network”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Kerime Eskiocak, (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: EEN - Europe Earth Network project aims to create an international and sustainable environment.


Activity date:
19th – 25th of April 2015
Venue place, venue country: Yalova, Turkey
Summary: EEN - Europe Earth Network project aims to create an international and sustainable environment, protecting network around 9 European countries and Turkey that will work in coordination and will raise awareness on environment between these countries.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders
For participants from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Turkey
Group size: 35 participants
Details: “Protecting of Livable Environment” is the head of the biggest problems of world as supported in reports periodically organized by United Nations. Global warming, unconscious consumption of water resources, false agriculture practices followed by matter of food and the most important one, lack of environmental consciousness threats next generations. “Europe Earth Network – EEN” Project is constituted from point of “operating works by forming local, national and international cooperation about improving environmental consciousness”. Europe Earth Network which contains GEO from Turkey and 11 organizations about environment protection and youth from 9 different EU member countries will be formed with this project. The purpose of this project is to arrange “EEN Earth Day Feast” organization simultaneously in 10 different countries with concept of “22 April Earth Day” in every year besides actualization of projects of improving environmental consciousness through Europe which will be periodically arranged. “EEN” Project will be realized in Yalova where is a special sample about improving of environmental consciousness in dates of 19-25 April 2015 which include 22 April Earth Feast that there will be 35 youth from 10 different countries and works will be planed. In 22 April 2015 Europe Earth Network will be declared and from that day EEN will perform works which will become a sample about environment protection.
Aims and Objectives:
• To create an international and sustainable environment protecting network around European countries and Turkey that will work in coordination and will raise awareness on environment between these countries.
• To determine the main objectives and yearly activities of the network and have a plan.
• To make real the EEN Earth Day Festival in different 10 countries in parallel time in 22 April Earth Day.
• To empower the NGO dialogue between countries and youth workers based on environment.
• To exchange the experiences between the youth workers and building the capacity of NGOs working on environment.
• To give an opportunity for NGOs volunteers to be a part of an european network and actively work, to support them to extend their vision.
Costs: 100% of accommodation and basic food are covered by the (extra cost are not included) programme;
100% of activities fee are covered by the programme;
fixed amount of your travel cost (us mentioned above) are covered by the programme.
Each participant is responsible about its insurance
Travel Costs: Turkey - 0€; France - 360€; Croatia - 275€; Estonia - 360€; Bulgaria - 180€; Italy - 275€; Germany - 275€; Greece - 275€; Romania - 275€; Latvia - 275€.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 3rd of April 2015

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