English version

altre informazioni

Data: 15/04/2015

Therefore, “Bulgarian sports development association” will offer the following conditions:
• The travel costs from your home town to the venue will be covered according to the rules of “Erasmus+” Program. According to the new rules within the Programme “Erasmus+” we will reimburse the travel costs on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc., accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc. upon a certain “contribution to the travel costs of participants, from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return”. This contribution is “based on the travel distance per participant. Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission”.
• Board, lodging, local transports and all materials of the training course will be covered by the Organizer;
• The participants should arrange their own insurance for their travel and stay in Bulgaria;
• A participation fee of 60 Euros is required by each participant, payable at the venue.
Travel costs: The travel costs will be 90% reimbursed. For the reimbursement please keep all the original tickets, invoices and boarding passes. The reimbursement will be done accordingly to the amount of the tickets, the maximum amount that can be reimburse for each country can be found in the table below. If the travel costs are bigger that the specified amount then, the extra amount is supported by the partner organization or by the participant.
Partner country: Maximum reimbursement amount: Portugal 820 euro; Poland 275 euro; Italy 275 euro; Ireland 360 euro; Hungary 275 euro; Bulgaria 0 euro; Greece 275 euro; Romania 180 euro; Slovakia 275 euro; Spain 360 euro.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 20th of May 2015

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