English version

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Data: 21/04/2015

Working methods:
Social theatre, clown, street theatre, performative theatre. The training course is based on practical work: activities will include a very good overview and practical experience of these methods through individual work, working groups and collective group work, and at the end of the training we will realise a final performance in the hosting local community, using the techniques we will train during the course, as a result of the work done and as an important learning opportunity for participants. Each participant will end this project with ideas about how to use these tools in their future actions. A purpose for this TC is to proceed with already existing network members to follow-up plans, to exchange good practices and to prepare future quality projects.
According with the new ERASMUS+ funding rules, travel costs for selected participants are covered up to € 275 (except participants from Spain); if the participant spends more than this amount, he/she has to pay the difference. Selected participants will be reimbursed during the training course. Selected participants will have to pay a participation fee of 30 euro. Costs for board, accommodation and training are fully covered by the organisers. Visa costs are 100% covered too.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 10th of May 2015.

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