English version

213. “Grow conscious and feel your body” - Training Course

Data: 18/08/2015

NR.: 213

DATA: 18.08.2015

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Grow conscious and feel your body”


TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: The training is a space where to get to know yourself in your totality: body, mind, spirit and emotions. Becoming conscious of your own emotions is the key to emphatically welcome the other, supporting his growth and personal research.


Activity date:
29th of October – 2nd of November 2015.
Venue place, venue country: Osho Gautama Multiversity, Italy.
Summary: The training/PBA is a space where to get to know yourself in your totality: body, mind, spirit and emotions. Becoming conscious of your own emotions is the key to emphatically welcome the other, supporting his growth and personal research.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors, teachers.
For participants from: Armenia, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine.
Group size: 27 participants
The training / PBA is a space where to get to know yourself in your totality: body, mind, spirit and emotions. Becoming conscious, by experimenting, of your own emotions is the key to emphatically welcome the other, supporting his growth and personal research. This is the first step a youth worker, a trainer, a teacher has to do: if you don't know yourself you will never be able to understand the other and work with him/her. As human being we are composed of mind, body and also emotions and spirit. Our society is working a lot on the first two components in order to make us efficient and productive, but is not taking care of developing the third one, our ability to recognise what is good for us and what no. We need to discover about our emotions, our feelings and our reactions as person in order to be able to stay and work with people, young people or adults they can be. We can have all the knowledge of the world, if we don't know and valorize ourselves we will never be able to support and work with others. Meditation, emotional work, bio-energetics, sharing and creativity will be the instruments to work on grounding, personal power, heart openness, communication and cooperation and on your own personal vision. When you know yourself and your emotions, you know everyone much better and you can finally be a better youth worker or teacher. We have a great goal and aim: to help as many people as possible to discover about themselves, it is the only one manner to discover how creative and unique they can be and moreover the only one manner to help them to become far more better youth workers, openhearted!
Accommodation and food provided in Osho Gautama Multiversity. Participation fee 50 euro. Travel costs covered: Spain 275.00; Slovakia 275.00; Slovenia 275.00; Croatia 275.00; Ukraine 275.00; Armenia 360.00; Estonia 275.00; Latvia 275.00.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 25th of September 2015.

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