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altre informazioni

Data: 10/09/2015

Participant’s profile
We are looking for youth workers/educators and/or digital expert for the project who:
• have experience in using digital media and are willing to use it in youth work;
or / and
• have experience in youth work (training or/and non-formal education) and is willing to use digital tools.
(A couple of two people from the same organisation/country (one experienced in youth work another in digital media) taking part together could be an option).
Recognition of non-formal learning
All participants have the right to get a Youthpass describing their learning during the project.
And we are…
…trainers, youth workers and facilitators of learning. We have experience in developing gamified learning activities, but we are still on the way exploring the possible application of digital games and tools in youth work.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ Youth programme. Therefore all the programme costs will be fully covered. The travel costs will be covered according to Erasmus+ fixed travel amounts depending on your travel distance. You will get 65% of travel cost after we have got your original travel documents and 35% after the successful submission of the report of the project by the National Agency.
1) Travel bands per country per person for the first training course in Germany: Germany 0 Euro; Portugal 530 Euro; Estonia 275 Euro; Italy 275 Euro; Lithuania 275 Euro.
2) Travel bands per country per person for the youth exchange in Lithuania: Germany 170 Euro; Portugal 620 Euro; Estonia 170 Euro; Italy 170 Euro; Lithuania 0 Euro.
3) Travel bands per country per person for the evaluation seminar in Madeira, Portugal: Germany 530 Euro; Portugal 0 Euro; Estonia 820 Euro; Italy 530 Euro; Lithuania 820 Euro.
Deposit for long-term participation: To guarantee that each participant is ready to take part in the full long-term project we ask all participants to pay 100 Euro deposit for the project before the training course. This money will be refunded if the participant took part in the whole project and made an input for the evaluation seminar and the final report. In case of some personal social/financial conditions, the amount of the deposit could be reduced.
NOTE: Deposit does not apply for the young people who will participate in the youth exchange activity.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 26th of September 2015.

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