English version

265. “Be Gentle - Explore Gender!” - Partnership-building Activity

Data: 09/10/2015

NR.: 265

DATA: 09.10.2015

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Be Gentle - Explore Gender!”


TIPOLOGIA: Partnership-building Activity

ARGOMENTO: The aim of the mobility of youth workers is to create new Erasmus + projects on gender issues.


Activity date:
6th – 15th of December 2015.
Venue place, venue country: Vidrike, Estonia.
Summary: The partnership building activity will bring together youth workers from 10 countries. The aim of the mobility of youth workers is to create new Erasmus + projects on gender issues.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Youth Policy Makers.
For participants from: Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom.
Group size: 37 participants
The aim of the mobility of youth workers is to create new Erasmus + projects on gender issues.
Project has the following aims:
• Define a common understanding what are the main issues connected to gender topic;
• Discuss gender related challenges in youth work in participating countries;
• Create a common space for sharing good practices for organizations working with gender issues;
• Develop new projects in the framework of Erasmus+ with focus on gender issues (some examples of the topics: gender equality, LGBT rights, gender identity etc);
• Create a network of organizations working with gender issues;
• Give participants opportunity to develop projects together with partners, from mapping down the ideas to filling in the application.
Participant profile:
Participants will be motivated youth leaders and youth workers (18+), who want to find partners for new projects on gender and exchange good experiences with colleagues from other participating countries. They should be also working with young people (13-30 years old), as we want to have the projects about gender issues be directed to young people, as often youth are the group which faces the most gender based discrimination. Participants must be able to communicate in English.
Participants will be provided free accommodation, 3 meals per day, coffee breaks, sauna, and free local transport. There is participation fee of 50 € per person.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 20th of October 2015.

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