English version

altre informazioni

Data: 07/03/2016

The training is supported from Erasmus+ and eligible countries are Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep, Hungary, & Netherlands.
Travel Costs: Participants coming from Romania, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep, Hungary & Netherlands they will be reimbursed for their travel costs up to 275 €. Participants coming from Greece they will be reimbursed for their travel costs up to 180 €.
Accommodation and Food: Accommodation and food will be provided within the venue training venue.
Participants Contribution: There is participants fee of 80€ for people coming from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep, Hungary & Netherlands.
Guarantee: If for a reason you feel that the training has not been productive for you in any way, you can request a refund of your training fee. The only condition is that you have attended every training session and have participated in every part of the program.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 20th of April 2016.

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