English version

134. “E+MPACT ‘Just that bit more…” - Study Visit

Data: 18/04/2016

NR.: 134

DATA: 18.04.2016

TITOLO PROGETTO: “E+MPACT ‘Just that bit more…”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Carla Marques (Portogallo)

TIPOLOGIA: Study Visit

ARGOMENTO: The aim is to visit, analyze, experience and explore how Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme is put in place in rural areas by visiting examples of good practice and studying from close the impact this programme has had within these communities.


Activity date:
8th – 13th of June 2016.
Venue place, venue country: Vila da Marmeleira, Portugal.
Summary: The SV ‘E+mpact’ aims to visit, analyze, experience and explore how Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme is put in place in rural areas by visiting examples of good practice and studying from close the impact this programme has had within these communities.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers.
For participants from: Belgium - FR, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal.
Group size: 30 participants
More concretely, this Study visit will be hosted in the rural village within the community project ‘The Rural Centre of Non Formal Education’, offering an authentic experience of Portuguese culture through interactions and partnerships with the local community of Vila da Marmeleira. Since 2012, this village has hosted a variety of international projects which were ‘used’ to create a maximum impact on all the facets of this community. We take this 5 year project as a base to work on transferability towards the communities of each participant and especially on how to maximize the impact of such international mobility projects.
Why this Study Visit?
• To explore, experience and understand how the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme is put into action in rural areas of central Portugal.
• To visit examples of good practice and based upon interaction with the project organisations, filter out elements to transfer to own reality, this both ways.
• To offer possibilities for partner building between the organisations for future projects within the frame of E+ YiA Programme.
• To experience Portuguese culture through increased involvement of local communities.
To look closely upon:
• Principles of a long term strategy and approach: step by step.
• Strengths or pitfalls: transparency, consistency, continuity.
• Identifying resistance and how to deal with this.
• Re-discovery of own resources, strengths and possibilities.
• Reflection on the link with the programme design and the impact it can have.
• Evaluation/how to measure impact.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. (Information to sending NA´s: this activity is financed by TCA 2016).
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 4th of May 2016.

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