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Fiere del lavoro in Francia, Germania, Grecia, Polonia, Portogallo / Danimarca, Regno Unito e USA

Data: 13/05/2016

Questa settimana Eurocultura segnala le seguenti fiere del lavoro:


• 19 maggio 2016: Carrefour des Carrières Commerciales, Espace Champerret – Paris. Chaque année, il réunit environ 10 000 candidats et 150 entreprises proposant des postes de commerciaux à Paris et dans les grandes villes de Province.
• 19 maggio 2016: Job Salon Relation Client, Paris. Spécialiste de l'organisation de rencontres entreprises / candidats Job Rencontres vous propose un rendez-vous consacré aux métiers de la relation client afin de répondre à la demande du marché.
• 24 maggio 2016: APEC - Salon Cadres & Co, Strasburgo. Pour faciliter la rencontre entre les entreprises et les meilleurs candidats. Durant toute la journée (9h à 18h), vous pouvez à la fois bénéficier des conseils et repères concrets des équipes de l’Apec pour vous aider à piloter votre carrière et aussi mettre immédiatement en application les conseils récoltés, en allant à la rencontre des entreprises potentiellement intéressées par votre profil.

• 18 - 19 maggio 2016: meet@fh-koeln, Cologne. The career fair meet@fh-koeln in Cologne offers students and graduates the perfect opportunity for personal contact with staff and representatives of personnel seeking companies.
• 19 - 20 maggio 2016: IKOM Consulting, Tagungshotel im Raum, München. In kleinen Gruppen von 10 Teilnehmern hast du die Chance, an einem Tag zwei von vier teilnehmenden Unternehmen kennenzulernen und spannende Fallstudien aus dem Projektalltag zu bearbeiten. Ein gemeinsames Dinner zusammen mit allen anwesenden Beraterinnen und Beratern in lockerer Atmosphäre lädt zum zwanglosen Austausch ein und rundet den Tag ab. Bewerben können sich Absolventen und Studierende ab dem 5. Fachsemester. Promotionsstudentinnen und –studenten sind selbstverständlich auch willkommen.
• 19 maggio 2016: meet@uni-kassel, Kassel. The career fair meet@uni-kassel offers interested students and graduates the opportunity to get in touch with the staff in charge of all exhibitors.
• 21 maggio 2016: Stuzubi, Dortmund. Career fair for high-school graduates, graduates with a vocational diploma and junior high school students.
• 23 maggio 2016: PAM! Leipzig. PAM! is a career fair for interns, students and graduates of the financial services industry.

• 25 - 26 maggio 2016: Job Fair, Athens. “È molto importante informare i giovani sulle sfide che dovranno affrontare nei tempi difficili che stiamo vivendo, ma sottolineare anche che essi devono mantenere il loro ottimismo." (Panagiotis Emmanouilidis)

• 24 maggio 2016: European Job Days online.

Portogallo / Danimarca
• 25 maggio 2016: Work In Denmark, Lisbon. WORK IN DENMARK and combine job and family! Are you a professional in the Engineering, IT, Biotech & Pharma or Medical domains? Based in Portugal now ? Have you ever thought about Denmark as a career destination ? The Danish labor market is very dynamic and new job openings often arise. However...

Regno Unito
• 18 maggio 2016: Belgrade Theatre, Coventry.
• 19 maggio 2016: Summer Recruitment Fair. Imperial College, London.
• 19 maggio 2016: The Summer Careers Fair. University of Bradford. Are you looking for: •immediate and future vacancies for new graduates, work experience opportunities, part-time jobs whilst studying, further study or training, starting your own business, voluntary and community work? Then come to the fair. This is your chance to: •meet employers and ask them questions, get your CV checked by one of our career development advisers, attend presentations on career planning.

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