English version

239. “Outdoor Emotions” - Training Course

Data: 02/08/2016

NR.: 239

DATA: 02.08.2016

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Outdoor Emotions”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Beáta Kovács Tesléry (Ungheria)

TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: The training it has been organised for to allow to trainers to focus on emotions in the trainings.


Activity date:
3rd – 12th of October 2016.
Venue place, venue country: Hungary.
Summary: Based on our experience, outdoor trainers deal not too much with emotions during their training. We believe emotions are very important also in outdoor trainings. Therefore we organize a training for trainers to focus on emotions in the trainings.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, outdoor trainers.
For participants from: Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey.
Group size: 38 participants.
Outdoor trainers deal not too much with emotions during their training. We believe emotions are very important also in outdoor trainings.
Aims of our training are:
• To show and to have experience how emotions are important;
• To show methods for evaluating emotions and feelings after activities;
• To have experience outdoor activities where everyone feels differently and evaluate these differences in feelings;
• To show some relaxing methods to be able to acknowledge their feelings and emotions.

In tents. Sleeping bags will be necessary. The training is nomadic so be prepared for it. In the forest there is no electricity, water, internet, network. In case of emergency the closest town is very close, we can reach it in 15 minutes, and also the place can be reached. Showers and toilets will be provided but not as in hotels. The mobile network can be used in case of emergency. The training is also to show healthy lifestyle and food. Please see below some explanations of nomadic and healthy food:

Sleeping in tents for two; Outdoor nomadic kitchen with a cook; Activities outside (or in very extreme weather in jurtas); Drinking water in bottles of mineral water; Shower in water heated by the sun (the water amount is limited); No wifi, electricity is very limited.
Healthy food:
No sweats; No chips; No drinks with sugar (just mineral water, tea and coffee); In coffee breaks there are fruits and/or cakes; Allergies, diets in application form in advance.
The accommodation, activities, meals, costs of safety equipment, trainers are covered by Erasmus Plus project. Travelling will be reimbursed after the project, after receiving all travelling tickets, and documents in original copy.
If the cost of travelling is above the limits, then participants shall cover the difference:
Romania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland: 180 Euro; Spain: 360 Euro; Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Italy: 275 Euro.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 20th of August 2016.

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