English version

altre informazioni

Data: 01/02/2017

Financial conditions:
The travel costs reimbursement will be based on the travel distance that will be calculated using the distance calculator of the European Commission. Full board (meals and accommodation) is covered 100% as part of the activity.
Travel limist per participant per country for the first phase in Russia: Germany, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine: 275 euro; France, Albania, Makedonia, Italy, Greece: 360 euro.
Travel limit per participant per country for the second phase in Germany: Greece, Estonia, Macedonia, Italy, Ukraine,Albania, Belarus, France - 275 euro; Germany, Czech Republic - 180 euro.
The visa costs will be covered. There will be a participation fee of 50 euro for each activity.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 17th of February 2017.

[email protected]
Phone: +79181256352

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