English version

"60 ideas for Europe"

Data: 06/03/2008

The European Movement International has launched a blog called "60
ideas for Europe" (www.speakup-europe.blogactiv.eu

Through this blog, we would like to invite citizens and civil society
to post their ideas concerning the future of Europe. The best ideas
will then be published and discussed by key European politicians
during the Congress of Europe which will take place in May 2008 in The

As we are trying to raise a debate and gather a maximum number of ideas
for tomorrow's Europe, we would be very interested in getting your
points of view and therefore invite you to share with us your thoughts
(what could be improved, what should be done, etc.).
We thank you in advance for any contribution you could make to the

Sito web: www.speakup-europe.blogactiv.eu

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