English version

altre informazioni

Data: 02/09/2011

The objective of the practical activities is the simulation of the management of the different aspects of a project. At the end of the European Project Management course, every work group have produced their set of Guidelines on How to Effectively Manage a European Project. The date of the next edition of the European Project Management course is:
• Edition 5: 15–19 November 2011.
• Edition 6: 5–10 November 2012.
750 Course fee 450 Accomodation Package (optional) The participation to the in-service training courses can be fully funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme. The courses are included in the Grundtvig/Comenius database therefore those who wish to participate can obtain a training grant to cover both the course fee and accommodation and subsistence costs. Please check with your National Agency for the deadlines to be respected to apply for the Grants.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 27th of January 2012.

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