English version

Volontario SVE in Turchia

Data: 29/11/2011

L'Organizzazione Ospitante AED (già Sending e COordinating Organisation) sta cercando urgentemente un volontario per un progetto SVE che partirebbe intorno a Giugno 2012 e che durerebbe tra i 6 e i 12 mesi (durata flessibile da concordare con il volontario selezionato).

Questa associazione no profit ha sede in Turchia, dove si svolgerà il progetto.

Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Theme 1: Disability
Theme 2: Environment
Inclusion: Cultural differences, Educational difficulties, Social difficulties
Code: 2009-TR-11

Se interessati, inviate cv, motivation letter specifica (entrambi in inglese) e foto a [email protected] entro il 30 novembre.
Dovrete compilare ed inviare, inoltre, l'application form che potete scaricare dal link sottostante.

Solo le candidature complete saranno prese in considerazione.

Vi ricordiamo che per candidarsi è necessario essere tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei.

Di seguito la descrizione del progetto.


Outline the project environment for the suggested voluntary activities, including the local community where the project will take place (e.g. geographical, social and economical environment). If the host placement is located in a live-in community, please include the rules and conditions that apply also for the volunteer.
Presently AED hosts volunteers in a 3 story house in a quiet and safe neighbourhood in Sarýyer, Ýstanbul, as well as at another apartment near to the host organization office and volunteer centre. Depending on the project that the volunteer decides (along with AED) to engage in the project environments will be different (please see the projects below). To be hosted by AED the accommodation related requirements for the volunteer are:
- To be willing to live and room with other volunteers
- To endeavour to work well with the members of the organization, the other volunteers and the mentor and doing all that is within their ability to implement a successful project and to coexist successfully with those who they are living and working with.
- To keep their living and working quarters clean as well as maintain all materials and areas assigned to them for their accommodation /project needs in good condition.
- To decide together (and possibly along with the organization) on such matters as accommodation, maintenance, cooking, etc.
- To carry oneself and dress in a manner that is culturally appropriate and suitable for the project they are involved in, and to endeavour to learn what is and isn't appropriate in all matters including when not engaged in the project.
- To make economic use of utilities (electricity, gas, water, etc) and all other materials, items and products assigned to them by AED for their project, accommodation or consumption.


Project 1: "Empowerment through Education" (for refugees)

The goal of this project is to provide educational opportunities for refugees in Turkey, mainly from Iraq, who don't have the opportunity to attend formal classes due to their refugee status. This has been an on-going program for the past 7 years and it has proven very successful. The goal of this initiative is to boost these children and teenagers' confidence through helping them improve their English language skills, thereby giving them a head start in rebuilding their lives as most of them are applying for visas to English speaking countries such as Canada, Australia and the USA. Football and other sports lessons are an added incentive which the students enjoy very much. Project activities may also include regular cultural awareness classes and other topics that would assist these often troubled children and teenagers to begin to assimilate life in a new country. When possible, AED also arranges for sponsored items to be distributed to the children and teenagers and their families, as well as providing live musical shows for special events several times a year. Project requires long term EVS volunteers (6 - 12 months).

Sito web: http://www.box.com/s/p28fzzcqheqlffosmvxi

Email: [email protected]

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