English version

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Data: 12/06/2015

YEU believes that youth workers with this profile will have the necessary motivation, skills, knowledge and commitment in empowering young people to overcome unemployment. As you have noticed, the activity involves youth workers from Morocco and Egypt. The reason to involve them is because young women in these countries usually face a lot of difficulties in following the career they want. Since gender perspective of this international activity is very important and very much taken into consideration, we believe that this training course will build the capacities of the youth workers to work with young women there. In this way, the project will have an impact in empowering young women from Egypt and Morocco to identify and pursue the career they want.
The meeting will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved. Some of the methods used will be the following:
• Ice-breakers, energisers.
• Inputs from experts.
• Intercultural and experiential learning.
• Variety of visuals for thematic input.
• Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary.
Youth for Exchange and Understanding will cover 70% of travel costs (maximum travel costs are indicated below) from the resident country. The food and lodging cost will be covered by YEU and Cerebra. The participants are obliged to have receipts of all tickets they will use, boarding passes and invoices of the credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments otherwise they will not be reimbursed! In addition, the participants are expected to fully participate in the sessions unless there are health related unexpected circumstances. If there is unjustified absence from the sessions, YEU will not reimburse the participants. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer. The project is funded by the European Youth Foundation and there's a lump sum of 8.000,00€ foreseen for travel expenses. If you are selected, we will send you the maximum travel costs limits and all the other practical details, also according to VISA needs and composition of the participants group.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 15th of August 2015.

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