English version

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Data: 30/09/2015

Facilitators of learning are Frimann Sigurdsson (Iceland) and Ann Daniels (Belgium). We are both educated in Co-active coaching and have experience in facilitating non-formal trainings in the Youth in Action field. Both of us work as life coaches and trainers. Our purpose is making a difference – assisting others to achieve their dreams and reach their potential.
Profile of who you are as participant
• You are willing to explore coaching as part of your learning journey with topics that are real and important to you;
• You are ready to take a leap into the unknown and you are willing to trust the process;
• You are courageous and willing to fail for the sake of your own and others learning;
• You are committed to participate in the whole process of this long term training course! This means that you participate in training 1, the in between phase and training 2.
You are an educator (youth worker, trainer, coach, teacher,... ) who is ready to explore coaching in a non-formal and experiential way. You have sufficient level of English as a working language (no need for specific jargon, just for basic English).
This training course is financed by the Erasmus +:Youth in Action programme. You pay a participation fee of 250 € for the whole course (2 trainings + in between phase) and a % of your travel costs depending on the maximum travel budget per country.
For training 1: Iceland 0€-180€ depending on the travel distance, Norway and Ireland 275€, Belgium, France, Germany and Netherlands 360€ and Italy 530€.
For training 2: Belgium 0-180% depending on the distance to Dilbeek, Netherlands max 180€, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland and Norway 275€, Iceland 360€.
The aim is to refund at least 70% of travel costs for everyone for both trainings. You will get more practical info about the travel reimbursement in the info letter after selection. Everything else (accommodation, food and training material) will be covered with the grant of Erasmus+:Youth in Action.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 16th of October 2015.

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